Baja California Travel Tips
Its roughly 1,000 miles from the border to the southern tip of Baja. The road has gotten much better over the years - it has been widened in parts as well. Occasionally youll find a section with plenty of potholes. Adjust your speed accordingly. When you see signs indicating a turn - slow down! Because some turns have no speed posted, and driving a little too fast might make you fall off the road.
Curva Peligrosa means dangerous turn. Once at least 2 motorist have been killed, a turn will be rewarded that very helpful sign. But there are a few other turns that are extremely dangerous as well - only, not enough people have been killed yet. So, no sign. You are on your own. Be safe!
When trucks and other slower vehicles have their left blinker set, it means that you can pass safely. It might also mean that they want to turn left - so be extra careful!
You will need to obtain Mexican insurance for your car as your US carrier is not accepted in Mexico. Get your insurance online for best rates. Per day is the most expensive - per year the most economic.
You should get a tourist visa (FMM - formerly FMT). Will cost you around $25. Easiest place to get one is at the Tijuana border crossing. Description
In order for you not to get lost on your first trip down, and not end up in a bad neighborhood in Tijuana, I have created a Google Earth file with easy to follow directions
No need to equip yourself with GPS and other navigation gadgets. There is pretty much only one paved road in Baja from north to south. How hard will it be to miss that one?
Best overall map is published by AAA.
There is no good GPS topo available.
A valuable semi topo collection in print is the Baja California Almanac
In all populated areas you'll find gas stations on almost every street corner. However, the stretch between El Rosario and Villa Jesus Maria has no gas station at all (roughly 200 miles). Also the 120 miles between Ciudad Constitucion and El Centenario are bone dry. Plan accordingly and fill up in El Rosario and Ciudad Constitucion.
Mexicans are wonderful warm people - they will give their last shirt to help you. However, there are some who improve their meager pay by praying on tourists. Police and gas station attendants are the most infamous of all.Worst police shake downs are in Santa Rosalia, Ciudad Constitucion, La Paz, Cabo San Lucas. The worst gas station tricks are played on you in Santa Rosalia (get gas somewhere else). Following is a link to a recent newspaper article outlining how you keep your hard earned Dollars from police and gas stations.
Gringo Gazette
Harald Pietschmann