Be aware of stingrays
Contact with stingrays will neither kill you nor cause disabilities - however, such a sting is extremely painful.
However, world-famous "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin, known for seeking out and handling some of the most dangerous animals in existence, died on Monday, September 4, 2006 in a shocking accident with a stingray.
During periods of calm surf, stingrays can be found in large numbers off the coast of Baja California. Typically, the swimmer will step on the stingray that is lying on the sandy bottom of the sea floor in shallow water. Reflexly, the stingray will raise its tail and extend the stinger, usually producing a wound above the ankle of the victim. The stingray stinger is a very primitive but effective venom delivery device. The stinger is covered by a cartilaginous sheath that breaks apart as it enters the skin of the victim. The venom is free-flowing under this sheath and enters the wound as the sheath breaks apart. The stinger itself is serrated and is removed by the stingray as it swims away to safety.
The venom rapidly produces severe pain in the stung extremity occasionally combined with nausea and vomiting. The venom is a protein that is broken down rapidly in the presence of heat. The treatment is to immerse the stung extremity in water that is as hot as can be tolerated without producing a burn Following the hot water treatment, examination by a physician should take place.
Stingray injuries can be minimized by swimmers splashing and shuffling their feet upon entering the water to warn off the stingrays. If given they opportunity, they will swim away. So, to be safe we will have to shuffle into the water like an 80 year old.